We know that you want to hear from these cute creatures as much as we do. That’s why we decided to be a guest in the icy worlds of penguins.

We have reached some enlightening information about these plump birds with funny walks that we wish they would never leave their natural habitat.

1- Most penguins are monogamous, but they spend most of the year apart from each other
I think that’s how they keep their love alive.
2- Depending on which scientist you ask, there are between 17-20 Decadent penguins in the world.

3- Some penguin species from prehistoric times weighed and were the size of an average human

4- The first penguin fossil found in New Zealand is exactly 62 million years old

5- Penguins are able to jump on the water up to almost 2 meters

6- One in 50,000 penguins is born with brown feathers instead of black.

7- An extra organ located at the edges of the penguins’ eyes filters the salt of the water, preventing it from entering their bodies

8- Emperor penguins can descend to a depth of 500 meters in the ocean and stay there for up to 27 minutes.

9- The roles of men and women in emperor penguins are also reversed. While the female goes to find food, the male incubates and protects the eggs

10- Even after a 300-kilometer journey on their own, penguins find the same mate when they return
in 2008, Norway awarded the order of knighthood to a penguin

11- The emperor penguin named Nils Olav was a colonel of the Royal Norwegian Army and also became its mascot. At the ordination ceremony, the king said that Olav was “in sufficient pride and honor to receive a knighthood”.

12- Snipers were deployed to protect a penguin colony in Australia in 2009

13- There are no penguins at the north pole

14- When mother penguins lose their own cubs, they are sometimes able to steal other penguin cubs

15- Penguins do not have teeth, instead they have line-shaped spiny spinal projections on the back of their mouths

16- Penguins can’t taste sweet food, they can only taste salty and sour

17- And these cute things, they change feathers once a year.