To remove oil stains from wooden surfaces, you can try the following steps:
Quick Intervention: When you notice the oil stain, try to clean it up quickly. The sooner you intervene, the more likely you will be able to remove the stain.
Follow the Instructions: The type of wood surface (lacquered, varnished, raw wood, etc.) it affects your cleaning method. Read the instructions of the cleaning product you are using carefully and make sure that it is suitable for the type of wood.
Hot Water and Soap: You can use warm water and a gentle soap to lighten the stain. Gently clean the stain with soapy water and then wipe it off with a damp cloth. Dry it later.
Vinegar Water: Add a little apple cider vinegar to a piece of water. Mix gently and rub this mixture over the stain. Then wipe it with a clean cloth and wipe it dry.Jul.
Black Pepper and Oil Cloth: Sprinkle the black pepper on an oil cloth and lightly rub it over the oil stain. After leaving it for a while, clean the stain by gently rubbing.
Steam Cleaning: Use this method only to make sure that you are protecting your wooden surface from excessive moisture. You can use a steam cleaner to lighten the stain.
Wood Degreasers: You can use wood degreasers specially designed for wood surfaces. However, make sure that the product does not damage your wood before using it.
Natural Oils: You can try applying natural oils such as olive oil or baking soda to the stain and leaving it for a while, then wiping it off.
Remember that before trying any method to remove the stain, it is a good idea to test it in advance to protect your wood surface from further damage, especially when using different materials. If the stain is permanent or damages your wooden surface, you can get help from a professional cleaning service.