You will love this yummy cookie that you will make from only three ingredients! Prepare the ingredients for the cookie recipe, which is both inexpensive and very practical.
The recipe for cookies with three ingredients

1 cup of vegetable oil
A little more powdered sugar from half a glass of water
2.5 Cups of flour

how is it done?
- Take some of the powdered sugar, liquid oil and flour in a bowl and mix well.
- Continue mixing the ingredients, gradually adding the rest of the flour.
- Add a little more flour to the dough, which is starting to get a consistency, and knead it well with your hands.
- Take walnut-sized pieces of ready-made dough and roll them out with your hands. (it turns out about 20 pieces)
- Then bake the cookies in a preheated oven to 160°C for 15 minutes.
- Remove the baked cookies from the oven and let them cool.
- When it cools down, serve it by sprinkling powdered sugar on top.
The trick is: do not cook until golden brown. It can both burn very quickly and harden.

In addition, powdered sugar can also be used instead of powdered sugar. We have reached the end of the easiest and most practical cookie in the world! Bon appetit for those who have already tried it. Don’t forget to check out our other content…