10 Interesting Traditions from Different Countries of the World


Today, as humanity, we have some universal ideals and values. It is also possible to come across similar life practices, norms and practices in any country of the world. However, each country has its own unique traditions, some of which date back to ancient times. Moreover, some of these traditions are quite interesting! Here are interesting traditions of different countries, from the toilet ban to saluting by spitting.

1. Toilet paper is not used in India

That is, it is not widely used. You may have heard before how big the infrastructure and sewerage problem is in India. Maybe this interesting tradition has something to do with it. Whatever the reason, keep in mind that you may have problems finding toilet paper when you visit India.

2. It is forbidden to go to the toilet after marriage in Indonesia

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For the full 3 days! The reason for this unusual practice, which deserves to be included in our list of interesting traditions of countries to the end, is the belief that going to the toilet within 3 days after marriage brings bad luck.

3. Saluting with a spit is an ancient and important tradition for the Maasai tribe in Kenya

Spitting is a behavior that is not welcome in many cultures. In fact, it is considered an aggressive attitude in many countries. But for the Maasai tribe in Kenya, spitting is an expression of respect and goodwill!

4. If you give a gift of yellow roses to a person in Mexico, you may be misunderstood!

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Because yellow roses symbolize death in Mexico. For this reason, not giving a yellow rose to someone has become a widespread and important tradition.

5. It is believed that breaking porcelain before a wedding in Germany brings luck

Families and friends go to the couple’s house the night before the wedding and break objects such as cups, plates or vases here! It is believed that this tradition will bring luck to the couple who will get married. In addition, the couple who is preparing to enter the world house must clean up the resulting mess! It is thought that this will strengthen the harmony and cooperation between the spouses. Dec.

6. In Denmark, cinnamon is thrown on unmarried singles who are over a certain age!

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Denmark is one of the countries that hosts a very interesting tradition. On the birthdays of people who have passed a certain age but have not married, cinnamon is thrown at them by their friends! The origins of this unusual tradition 16. it goes back a century, from constantly traveling to Danish spice merchants who did not have the opportunity to get married.

7. Venezuelans are deliberately late for meetings. Because this is a very common tradition in the country

8. The New year is celebrated in South Africa by throwing old furniture, not fireworks

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South Africans throw their old furniture out of the windows of their houses into the street to celebrate the new year. This interesting tradition is carried out under the supervision of the security forces so that no one gets hurt.

9. Baths and saunas are the most popular places for meetings in Finland!

interesting traditions of countries

It is a well-known fact that the hammam and sauna are extremely important in Finnish culture. There are also some interesting traditions that have emerged in this direction. Finns hold business meetings mostly in saunas.

10. Chinese brides spend a month crying before their wedding!

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It is very natural for weddings to be the scene of sad moments. Therefore, it is not surprising to encounter couples or parents crying at the wedding time. But one tradition in China is quite amazing: Chinese brides have to spend a month crying before their wedding day!

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