The 8 Most Unsuccessful Inventions in History


There are also inventors who go down in history with their failures. As a matter of fact, the inventions that come out of the hands of these inventors share a similar fate with their creators. Here are the failed inventions in history, from flying tanks to radioactive sanitary products…

  1. Radioactive health products
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Radium was called a miracle element long ago today. There were even those who thought that this radioactive element had incredible benefits for human health. The inventors of the period, especially those active in the field of medicine, were not late in creating various inventions with this miracle element.

Radium-containing toothpastes, creams and medicines were sold as a source of healing. Of course, it goes without saying that radium-containing “medicines” are at the top of the list of failed inventions in history!

  1. Flying tanks
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Among the inventions that have failed in history, there are also some very interesting ones. Dec. Flying tanks, designed by the Soviet Union with the idea of “changing the fate of wars”, are also among the most Deceptively unsuccessful inventions.

The Antonov A-40 flying tank, which took to the skies for the first time in 1942, was designed to transport Soviet tanks to the battlefield in a short time. Soviet inventors thought that flying tanks were a unique invention that could turn the tide of war in their favor. The reality, however, was much different. Because flying tanks was a much more expensive and laborious task than the inventors thought.

  1. Dymaxion House
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American architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller was thinking about ways to completely eliminate the housing problem in the world in the 1930s. The solution he eventually found was the Dymaxion House.

After two years of intense effort, Fuller designed dome-shaped, easy-to-move and build houses. This architecture, called the Dymaxion House, was wonderful, indeed, it could be easily assembled and transported. However, its structural defects would send these houses among Decrepit inventions. The design of the houses did not allow the interior to be customized. In addition, the owners had to spend their entire lives in two small rooms and a bathroom. Moreover, finding household items suitable for this round structure was also a big problem…

  1. Boat cars
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Some inventors had created successful inventions by combining products from different fields in a functional way. Some hybrid inventions, on the other hand, caused great disappointment to their inventors.

Boat-cars, also called amphicars, were designed in the 1960s as cars that could travel both on land and on water, or boats that could travel both on water and on land. Its inventors thought that boat-cars would be the most popular vehicle of the future…

  1. Cinerama
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IMAX technology, which we can roughly call a high-size and clarity image acquisition system, is an integral part of today’s cinema industry. However, a similar but much more complex system had been invented long before today.

The technology, called Cinerama, was based on the idea of transferring images to a special screen using three different projectors that are synchronized to each other. But the Cinerama system, invented before the digital age, was extremely expensive. For this reason, it failed to become widespread in movie theaters and joined the list of unsuccessful inventions in history.Dec.…

  1. Intellivision

The Intellivision was a game console released in 1979 by the US-based company Mattel, known for its Barbie toys. Although it is the favorite project of the company, which wants to repeat its success in the toy doll sector in the digital game Sunday, it could not escape from facing a definite failure.

  1. Portable turntable
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Not so long ago today, everyone who wanted to listen to music had to buy records. Of course, turntables were needed for the records to be listened to. Here the idea of a portable turntable seemed like a unique idea that could allow people on the move to listen to music as well. But when this bright idea turned into an invention, it became clear that it wasn’t quite like that.

Because in order for portable turntables to work, it was necessary to be extremely careful even while on the move. Moreover, in order to listen to music with this interesting invention, you had to hold the instrument flat and “not move portable turntables!”

  1. Hair dryer cap
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The hair dryer is one of the greatest inventions of modern times. Bonnet hair dryers, which can be considered the ancestor of these products, were launched in the 1960s to make people’s lives easier. But it was so large and difficult to use that the product did not sell as much as expected. However, the products have not been completely withdrawn from the market. It is possible to find modern examples of this hair dryer even now on some e-commerce sites. However, it is quite a difficult possibility to choose this product when there are small and practical devices.

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