What happens if we don’t moisturize our skin enough? Our skin dries out, loses its vitality, deteriorates and ages quickly. It is possible to keep your skin hydrated by eating healthy. Especially by consuming these nutrients regularly:
Avocado: here is a food that cannot be satiated with compliments. Because it has a high nutritional value. The quality oils contained in it moisturize the skin and keep the skin healthy thanks to protein.
Coconut: Coconut is the remedy for both healthier and younger skin. Because the water content is high, it comes to mind when we say summer and humidity.
Dark leafy greens: here’s another reason to consume a lot of salads in summer! Dark leafy greens are rich in minerals and vitamins, they are at war with free radicals.
Egg: a nutrient that increases the elasticity of the skin and contains little fat is an egg. Therefore, it also gives moisture to the skin, improves the skin.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain a high amount of lycopene, which means radiant skin. Especially if you eat by cooking, it is more effective in terms of nutritional value.
Juicy fruits: Juicy fruits that are a must in summer, such as watermelon. It produces collagen, regenerates cells, makes the skin supple and firm. We only say pay attention to the excess sugar contained in their contents!
Don’t forget to check out the next post. 🙂