Why Can’t We Stay in the Moment We Are Living?


From time to time, we all worry that we can’t stay in the moment we’re living in. Whatever we do, we feel like we can’t get into that moment. Our perceptions of our surroundings change, we want to go somewhere else as soon as possible, and maybe we even feel quite unhappy. This frustrating situation is one of the problems that negatively affect our daily life.

For example, we are on a beautiful beach on a sunny day, but we are not completely there, it is as if something inside our brain is leading us to the past or the future. Or we are on the birthday of a person we love very much, but it is as if our brain is not there when only our body is there. At such times, an absurd situation arises because our behavior also loses its sincerity.

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So what are the things that make it difficult for us not to fully experience those beautiful moments we have? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is impossible to say for sure, but it can be said that having anxiety problems is one of the biggest factors that makes it difficult for us to stay in the present.

The moment we live in contains an enormous number of possibilities, which we are always aware of in the background of our memory. Some of these are negative possibilities such as earthquake, rejection, failure. The sum of such possibilities can also cause a non-specific, general anxiety. ’Simple fear of the unknown about what is coming’ is the most concise explanation expressing this anxiety.

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Another of the main reasons why we break away from the moment we are living in is to get the feeling that something is going wrong, even though everything is fine. Let’s say you went to a cafe to meet your friend and you sat down and started chatting.

And then all of a sudden, inside your brain, you’re thinking, “Why am I here? Why are we talking about this now? I wonder how I look in front of him right now? How would he think if I asked permission to get up?”questions like “started swirling and you got the feeling that something was going wrong. Unfortunately, in this way, we gradually lose our concentration and it becomes inevitable that we will break away from the moment we are living.

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In order to minimize this situation, we must first accept that what we are experiencing is normal and regularly perform exercises to increase our awareness.

Especially mindfulness (conscious awareness) meditations will be very helpful for us to come to the awareness of the moment we are living in.

If you also know effective solutions to overcome this situation, you can share it with us in the comments.

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Conscious awareness4

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