Recent studies have shown that coffee is a more useful drink than deducted.

Coffee, which has almost replaced tea today, is one of the drinks that is often consumed. When consumed correctly, it is very beneficial for human health.

In a study conducted to find out the effects of coffee on human health, it was found that the risk of death is less in people who consume coffee regularly.

According to a report published in The Guardian, a study conducted in China found that the risk of premature death in people who consume coffee daily, regardless of whether it is sweet or unsweetened, is longer than in people who do not consume coffee within a 7-year period.

For the research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal, genetic information, health and lifestyle data of 171 thousand participants were collected from the British BIOBANK.

When factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, smoking, amount of physical activity were evaluated, the lowest mortality rate was observed in people who consumed black and unsweetened coffee.

The group with the lowest risk of death turned out to be people who consume 2.5 – 4 cups of coffee a day, with a rate of 29 percent.
It supported the results of the largest study ever conducted on coffee consumption in the UK.

According to the results of a 10-year study in which 500 thousand people participated in the UK and the results lasted for 10 years, it was found that people who consume 3 cups of coffee daily have a 12 percent lower risk of death than those who do not consume coffee.