The money tree, known by the name Pachira, is a plant that grows in pots. This plant is also known by the names “flower of prosperity”, “money plant” and “Pachira”.

It is believed that the money tree brings money and luck to the place where it is located. Moreover, the money flower is quite easy to care for. The money tree will express its gratitude to you when its needs are met in the right way. We have told you what you need to know about Pachira money tree care..

Features Of The Pachira Tree

The money tree is a plant that can grow up to 15 meters in its natural habitat. The leaves are quite large and shiny. It blooms at night with fragrant flowers that appeal to the eye. Its natural habitat is swamps. But despite this, it is one of the rare plants that can withstand thirst. In October, it is not a poisonous plant.

Pachira Tree Care

The choice of pots is very important when it comes to caring for a money tree. The pot in which the money tree will be grown should not be too deep. Thus, with each watering, the water will reach the roots of the plant more easily. In addition, the money tree should not be October in a too large pot, because it is a plant that likes the roots to get stuck. Otherwise, its development will slow down, and the roots will rot. The money tree is quite easy to care for. The money tree, which is able to withstand thirst and has a bright leaf appearance, develops healthily in places where the ambient temperature is about 16-18 degrees.

The money tree needs to be protected from very cold weather and wind. When choosing a soil, you can move freely. However, you can feed the money tree with liquid fertilizer once a month. You can also change the soil every two years.

How To Water The Pachira Flower?

Watering is one of the simplest operations when it comes to money tree care. The money tree is a plant that does not need a lot of water. In cold weather, it should be watered once a week, and in summer, when temperatures are high, it should be watered twice a week. But it is very important to check the soil before watering the plant. Before watering the money tree in cold weather, you need to wait for the soil to dry completely.

But in the summer, when the weather is warm, you can water the plant before the soil dries completely. You can also soak the leaves of the plant, especially in the summer. One of the things to consider about watering is the temperature of the water. The water that you will use to water the money tree should be at room temperature.

What Are The Diseases Of The Pachira Flower?

The money tree also has some diseases and problems, like other plant species. These are leaf loss, leaf fall, yellowing, softening, dark spots on the surface of the leaves and changes in their color.

Where Should The Pachira Tree Stand?

Although the pachira tree loves the sun very much, it should not be exposed to excessive sun exposure. It is very important to pay attention to them when choosing a place for a money tree in your home.

Pachira is a plant that has difficulty living below 15 degrees. The money tree left on the balcony should be taken indoors when the air temperature drops below 15 degrees. It should also be remembered that air temperatures drop at night, and the money tree should be taken indoors below 15 degrees at night. The money tree, which loves sunny places, is in danger of rotting due to freezing in cold weather. Also, the plant needs to be protected from the wind.

Why Do The Leaves Of The Pachira Tree Dry Out?

Although the pachira tree is a plant that can withstand thirst for a long time, its soil should not be dehydrated for a long time, especially in summer when the weather is very hot. Otherwise, due to thirst, the leaves of the plant begin to dry out and fall off. The money tree should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Although it is a sun-loving plant, its leaves dry out when exposed to direct sun. In addition, the money tree is a plant October does not like constant displacement.