How Should the Baby’s Weight Be in the First 3 Months?
The lower weight limit of male babies who have completed their first month is accepted by experts as 3. The average, accepted by experts, is 4.5, and the maximum weight is 5 kilograms 750 grams. Male babies who are not within these limits should definitely be under the supervision of a doctor for their development.

The average baby boy weight in the second month is considered to be 5 kilograms and 250 grams. If male babies who have completed the first trimester exceed 7.5 kilograms, doctor’s supervision becomes inevitable, as in the first month. At the fourth month, the ideal baby boy weight was considered by medical circles to be an average of 6.5 kilograms. the limit of 8 kg 250 grams is set as the maximum weight limit of a 4-month-old baby.

How Should the Baby’s Weight Be in the First 3 Months?

Little girls are expected to weigh an average of 4 kilograms when they reach their first month. According to experts, the lower weight limit for the first month in baby girls is 2 kilograms 900 grams. On the other hand, the upper limit is considered to be 5 kilograms of 400 grams.

The first month is very important in the development of the baby, and if the weight limits in the first month are exceeded or fall below, a doctor should definitely be consulted. In the second month, the lowest weight limit that baby girls should have is 3 kilograms 500 grams. In girls who have completed the third month, an average of 5 kilograms has been determined by experts as 900 grams.

A baby girl who has completed her third month should weigh at least 4 kilograms. If this is below the limit of 4 kilograms, the supervision of the doctor becomes quite important. The situation in the fourth month is different for little girls. A girl who has completed her fourth month is expected to weigh an average of 6 kilograms and 300 grams.

How Should the Ideal Baby Weight Increase from Month to Month?

The average weight of a baby at birth is in the range of 2.5-4.0 kg. Dec. Range In the first year of life, weight gain again follows an average level. Weight gain differs from month to month. In the first three months, an average of 750 grams is taken. 4. 5. and 6. over the months, weight gain hovers around 600 grams.

The next three months, it stands out at 450 grams. 10., 11. and 12. as for the monthly weight gain, on average it is 200 grams. When the baby completes one year, it is observed that the birth weight has increased to about 3 times.

In this content, we have examined how much the ideal baby weight should be from month to month. What we have described is for informational purposes only. You can get the most accurate and specific information from your doctor.