Chess is one of the games that are among the intelligence games and allow you to train your brain Decisively. Have you ever wondered who invented chess, how most people like to play from 7 to 70, and how it first appeared?

We have done a little research on the history of chess, which is especially interesting because of its rules, which are quite different from other board games.

chess competitions, which have been the subject of many tournaments since 1886 and in which competitors from all over the world participate, have made chess even more popular by progressing with thinking, moves and planning.

Let’s take a look at when and how chess is played with special pieces of the game on a 64-square board, some of which are white and the rest are black.

Who Invented Chess?

The chess game, which has a deep-rooted history, is one of the types of games that also occur in archaeological studies.

The fact that traces of this game are also found on some reliefs in the Egyptian Pyramids, with which everyone is familiar, may be a source for the question of who invented chess, when it first arose.

According to this, in the 2000s, probably M.He.It is seen that it started to be played before. But if you look at the written sources other than this, M.S.after 6, it is necessary to go towards the century. According to written sources found in India, the game of chess was played in India.

A great speed can be seen in the later spread of the game, which is called “Chaturanga” and is very similar to chess from India. Especially M.S.10.

According to records from a century later, the game of chess is spreading rapidly throughout Asia, Europe and the Middle East. 15. by the turn of the century, it was Decisively ranked among the games of the nobility as a royal game in most European countries.

Range Of course, although there have been changes in some of the rules of the game over time, the final version is 19. taking it for a century, it remains popular today.

In Which Country Did Chess Appear and How?

When you investigate which country chess is played in, the first records that you will come across will be the data obtained from archaeological excavations. But despite all this, there are different legends about the invention of chess.

The legend that Deciphered the birth of the game, which is very popular among these legends, belongs to Sissa Ibn Dahi. According to this legend, Sissa Ibn Dahi, who is quite intelligent, is the vizier of the Persian King. When the king asked him to invent a game, the chess game came up.

One of the earliest as a master actor is Joseph Henry Blackburne (1841-1924). Nicknamed the Black Death, Joseph developed a distinctive style by making unexpected sacrifices and spoke highly of himself in the chess world. Our next golden name is Anatoly Karpov (1951-).

Karpov, who is still alive, is a name that made a lot of mention of himself between Dec. 1975 and 1985. Range The fact that he did not play as aggressively as Blackburne caused some people to find his game boring. But suddenly, with his attacking and defensive style, he still managed to take his place in history.

According to the chess game, there are a total of 32 pieces, half of which are black and half of which are white, in an area of 64 squares. the 16 stones that are white and the rest of the stones that are black are as follows:

8 Pawns,
2 Horses,
2 Elephants,
2 Castles,
1 Vizier,
1 Shah.

You must defeat the enemy’s most important stone by advancing the stones with different progression strategies in 64 squares. The term “checkmate”, which you can win in the game only in this way, also means “death of the king” in Persian.

The Persian King loves this game very much and immediately wants to drown his vizier with gold, but the vizier is quite intelligent and his request is not gold.

He expresses that he wants wheat from his king so that someone will come to each square and progress exponentially in the next squares. This gift, which was quite small for the Persian King, cost the king 18 quintillion grains of wheat at the end of 64 square games.